
Did you know:

  • Infant mortality is declining worldwide. However, giving birth remains a deadly risk affecting hundreds of thousands of women worldwide, especially in remote areas.
  • Avoiding unnecessary death and suffering for women is our main goal, but maternal morbidity and mortality also hugely impact the wellbeing of the infant to be born as well as its siblings.

In other words:

Avoiding unnecessary complications during pregnancy and birth saves the lives of mothers and babies and keeps children protected and cared for by their natural mother.

Our goals:

  • To reduce health risks for pregnant women in isolated communities and improve pregnancy outcomes for both mothers and infants.
  • To do this in a way that empowers the mother and promotes bonding between the mother, her newborn, the father, her family and community, and connects them with quality health care service.
  • To have her regularly updated vital data confidentially stored upon password protected registration, accessible only for registered staff of the public health care.

In other words:

  • We want to improve pregnancy surveillance and ensure the expectant mother seeks and finds the right help at the right time, so that she is not away from home more than strictly necessary.
  • The mother is feeling confident in her pregnancy, which will result in a better outcome for mother, baby, older siblings and the family.
  • The care she receives can be followed inside the health care system for accountability, and constant upgrading.
  • It provides the missing link in the management information system.

Read more about how we will achieve this.