Smart Access to Health for All (SAHFA) is a non-profit association promoting smart access to healthy and productive lives for all through applications that connect people in remote places with health and other basic services through ICT applications tailored to their needs.

Join us 

You are most welcome to become a member of SAHFA. Your membership fee of 25 Euros a year, or your donation of any amount smaller or bigger than that helps us carry out our projects. Your participation in the reflection that feeds the progress of our project makes it stronger, more sustainable and a guarantee of its success.

SAHFA board

Laetitia van Haren: Founder/President (Curriculum Vitae)
Jiddo van Drunen: Vice-president, secretary
Marcel Vos: Treasurer
Kala Madhav: Member
Coline Garcia: Member

SAHFA has been officially registered in France as of 11 December 2015, under No W013001239, under the name: Accès Intelligent à la Santé pour Tous, or SAHFA. Read our SAHFA_Articles_of_Association_EN


Technical support : Moventes

Logo design: Juliette Schack

Content management: Ghislaine van Drunen