Posts by SAHFAMedia

Tanzania mission December 2022: Milk bar in Dodoma

We then launched on the long drive to Dodoma, to[…]

Tanzania mission December 2022: Sumve nursing college

We also visited Sumve nursing college, where one student, now[…]

Tanzania mission December 2022: Sumve hospital and dispensary

Back in Mwanza, we started with a visit to Sumve[…]

Tanzania mission December 2022: Mugana Hospital

After two days at Biharamulo we continued to Mugana hospital.[…]

Tanzania mission December 2022: Health centres in Biharamulo

In Biharamulo we visited two health centres during our Tanzania[…]

Tanzania mission December 2022: Doing the rounds of the villages

Important feedback our team had received in Tanzania was that[…]

Tanzania mission December 2022: La Vie Dispensary

In one of the dispensaries we visited on our last[…]

JamboMama! app: latest developments

Interest in JamboMama! keeps growing. There are now four sites[…]

International Women’s Day 2022

On this special day, which should give us pride and[…]

General Assembly to be held in January

Our General Assembly for 2020 and 2021 combined will take[…]

Denibam Foundation funds second pilot in Tanzania

The first pilot in Bunda had shown us that the[…]

Successful mission to Congo-Kinshasa

In October Laetitia went to Congo-Kinshasa with her long-time friend[…]

SAHFA Foundation to be created

Our SAHFA association has almost 80 members at present. We[…]

SAHFA president on mission to Congo in October

Security and sanitary conditions permitting, SAHFA-president Laetitia van Haren intends[…]

Fantastic work on JamboMama! in Tanzania

Fantastic work has been done in Tanzania, where our team[…]