Posts from 2019

Help us reach our goals, become a member

You are probably aware that SAHFA runs entirely on the[…]

Summer’s over, back to school & work

While many of you were enjoying the outdoors of the[…]

New JamboMama! mission to Tanzania

The JamboMama! project has now been approved by the Tanzanian[…]

Reconnaissance mission to Angiya, Kenya

SAHFA president Laetitia van Haren has recently been on a[…]

#IWD: Balance for better, safer motherhood for all

Do you think motherhood would still be so life threatening[…]

Invitation to General Assembly, 03-03-2019

The governing board of the NGO SAHFA is pleased to[…]

Update on introducing JamboMama! in Bunda

The Bunda District and Mara Regional Medical Authorities have approved[…]