New JamboMama! mission to Tanzania

The JamboMama! project has now been approved by the Tanzanian authorities so SAHFA president Laetitia van Haren, treasurer Marcel Vos and Manoj Prabhu of Dure Technologies are going to Tanzania from 20-30 May to present the project to medical decision makers, medical staff and community health volunteers of Bunda district.

The first meeting will be in Musoma at the regional medical headquarters, the two others at St Mary of Kibara’s hospital in Bunda rural. Meetings address three different types of public. The first day, the decision makers; the second day, hospital staff; the third day, dispensaries and rural health volunteers who will help the women register with the JamboMama! app.

The SAHFA team has prepared six telephones with the apps, most of them with the women’s app as it is the most important app. The health workers’ app functions as a ‘dashboard’ for the women’s app. Under Marcel’s direction and with Manoj’s help, participants will do a role-play. Every participant will have to play the pregnant woman and only afterwards can he or she revert back to their more familiar role of a healthcare provider. The decision makers may already have smartphones of their own, on which they can download the app for the medics.

Laetitia will explain all the conceptual aspects and how medical, legal, cultural, social and economic determinants have been taken into account in the design and front and back end choices. This is their baptism in fire: they need to feel your support!

Laetitia will also pay a visit to a Clinical Research Institute, as an end of project implementation and impact assessment must be anticipated, so prospecting for partners has to start well beforehand.

Take a look at our presentation: ‘Starting JamboMama! in Bunda Tanzania’ (May 2019)

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