Posts in Contents

Sponsor SAHFA president on swimming challenge

Your SAHFA president Laetitia van Haren will be taking on[…]

International Women’s Day 2021: choose to challenge!

An equal future for women begins with their surviving pregnancy[…]

JamboMama! app developments

We are reaching the finish line for the developments of[…]

New team member: welcome Barbara!

We welcome Barbara Schack to SAHFA as a strategic adviser.[…]

SAHFA on Make Mothers Matter panel

On 12 February, SAHFA spoke at a Make Mothers Matter[…]

Help us launch SAHFA-Congo!

In our Autumn 2020 newsletter we explained how SAHFA-Congo has[…]

Merry Christmas from us to you!

19th century“There are many things from which I might have[…]

JamboMama! in Bunda and beyond: moving to stage 2

Where do we stand with JamboMama!? The JamboMama! pilot project[…]

JamboMama! pilot in Bunda ending

The one year pilot project in Bunda has now come[…]

COVID-19 factsheets by JamboMama!

Please find our factsheets on COVID-19. We made one for[…]

Off to New York! to present SAHFA & JamboMama!

We hope you have all started the year 2020 with[…]

Help us reach our goals, become a member

You are probably aware that SAHFA runs entirely on the[…]

Summer’s over, back to school & work

While many of you were enjoying the outdoors of the[…]

New JamboMama! mission to Tanzania

The JamboMama! project has now been approved by the Tanzanian[…]

Reconnaissance mission to Angiya, Kenya

SAHFA president Laetitia van Haren has recently been on a[…]