Crowdfunding for Bunda: budget

We must raise the amount of €32.000 to cover the costs of introducing the JamboMama! application in Bunda district, based on the budget prepared by the project holder, the health department of the diocese of Bunda, in consultation with the District Medical office and SAHFA.

The applicant has explained they first need to hold an awareness raising campaign with the district decision makers and stakeholders, medical service staff, administrative staff and leaders in community health promotion. This is the groundwork. As the app must be truly owned by the user groups, it must become an indispensable communication, coordination and education tool for all. To that end workshops will be organised with the relevant medical staff and with the women’s groups to define wording, colour, icons etc and correct and adapt content according to users’ suggestions.

In Bunda, once the precise content has been defined through the workshops, smartphones uploaded with the app will be made available to rural health workers working in villages where women attend the mobile clinics that will be organised by the District Medical Office as an outreach service. Feedback for defining exact content with the population and introduction of the finalised app will be ensured by the JamboMama! project coordinator of the diocesan health department in collaboration with the District Medical office. They will supervise and coach public health and community development JamboMama! leaders, and report back to SAHFA, who will communicate with the software engineers. This means a lot of local travel for the project staff for meetings, both formal and informal.

The campaign target only covers the JamboMama! part of the ‘Safe Motherhood for Bunda Women’ project. All other costs are borne by the Diocesan health department and the District Medical office jointly. As you will see from the budget attached, for SAHFA there are many costs not mentioned in this Safe Motherhood for Bunda Women project. We are actively searching for other sources of funding to finance the customisation of the platform and its two interactive apps, one for the women and one for the health workers. This will cost around €25.000. The creation of other country and region specific so-called packages will cost some €10.000 per package at SAHFA’s end for communication, travel and engineering costs.

Cost distribution for Safe Motherhood for Bunda Women

On site costs, for which a crowdfunding campaign is being held on HelloAsso:

  1. Project tools : smartphones, sim-cards, data bundles, computer, electricity chargers etc : €5550
  2. Awareness raising and community discussion around maternal mortality, induction of app, from official high level meetings to village participatory informal meetings: €6000
  3. Transport and local travel, related to project implementation and to improved referral system to right level medical facility, from home to safe delivery station- includes creation of volunteer stretcher bearer teams in the villages: €4000
  4. Management Information System: Collection of feedback from users, mega-data collection and treatment, project implementation monitoring for evaluation: €3800
    N.B. all these data and reports will be made available for external, post project external evaluation to decide on scale-up and roll-out
  5. Salaries, toppings up and allowances for all project collaborators confounded: €12.650

Total : €32.000

Further costs

Not included in Bunda project proposal’s budget expenses:

  • Customisation of platform and apps by digital engineering firm: €25.000
    > Processing the results of the workshops by a software company
    > Improving the app following the workshop results and further tests
  • Support by SAHFA for project fundraising, communications, networking (no salaries for SAHFA board members): €7000
  • Travel expenses for SAHFA to supervise project launch (long haul flights and in-country transport, food and lodging (only partial reimbursements for SAHFA ): €8000
  • In-country expenses of two international volunteer software engineers staying for three months (local transport and monthly living allowance): €6000
  • Participation of a local expert local in mother and child healthcare (food, transport and communication, lodging, fee): €4000
  • External impact evaluation: €5000

Total:  €55.000

NB: We’ll raise funds separately to cover these costs.


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