Prospective end-user community partnerships

We are advancing in our dialogue with the medical department of the Tanzanian Episcopal Conference regarding a first introduction in Bunda district, through the St Mary Kibara hospital’s maternity and obstetrics services.

We are now also in dialogue with the medical district officer of Musoma district in Tanzania, a district with high maternal mortality rates, great poverty, low status of poorly educated women, no good road network, no transport available to all.

The Tanzanian NGO Women Wake Up (WOWAP) has also invited SAHFA to come and talk in detail about collaboration regarding the JamboMama! app.

And we have exchanged with one small rural maternity in Kenya and another one in South Somalia.

All these maternal and new born care providers could be truly assisted to give it a try if we had the funds to help them pay for it. The first three user communities will be the most expensive to assist. However, as the number of user communities rises, the cost per user group will come down further and further, until it is a cost that is locally sustainable. We wil launch a crowdfunding campaign to this end in 2018.




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