Tanzania mission December 2022: Health centres in Biharamulo

In Biharamulo we visited two health centres during our Tanzania mission of December 2022, and saw the need for better knowledge and better communication immediately. We also saw that the protagonists themselves were aware of that need. A female community health workers spoke passionately and eloquently about the needs for better communication with her clients.

We had exchanged extensively with PALES, the local partner’s director, who fully understood JamboMama!’s purpose. On the field visit we made to two health zones, we saw how the introduction of the app had to be approached differently here from what can be done at La Vie. But again, the well-wrought questions and comments we received from the heads and managers of the visited health facilities with outreach into a wide area were sharp, to the point. The reflection on the relation between health provider and health seeker has evolved, so that the demand for JamboMama! comes almost naturally now.

In the selected zone, the PALES-team will start with training the community health workers and the maternal and newborn-care providing staff of the dispensary. The maternal and delivery care staff of the nearest referral hospital for births with complications will also be included in the training. But simultaneously they will start a a woman’s empowerment project in that area so that women can make a small income allowing them to pay for pregnancy and childbirth related expenses and data bundles for their phone, if they have one. 

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